Outside the kingdom of the Lord there is no nation which is greater than any other. God and history will remember your judgment.” - Haile Selassie The 1st

Olmek creations

Without jah how can we be!!?

How can a one mention the source of their being, their human biology expressed manifest as auto biography without giving creed and reverence unto the source of the inspiration of life it itself. This automated yet ever willing power is The Mother and Father of Creation, similar unto the relationship of electromagnetism, manifest on The Most Ancient Throne of The Earth in The Kingdom of Ethiopia as HIS & HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE THE FIRST & EMPRESS MENEN ASFAW.

Apart from the Kingdom of the Lord Igzabihier there is nation superior to one another. Ones perceive whatever them receive from this quote of HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY. To I it gives I a hint as to where ththis Kingdom of the Lord is, it is amongst the nations of earth to which whom none can compare.

A path of self discovery brought I to the Consciousness of Rastafari, this same zeal of ever burning fire 🔥 is what brings the I them to this internet page also. It is the love of truth and the perfect hatred of wickedness as displayed by the King David in Pslams 139.

Rastafari is who I AM and also always been the same with all humanity, it is just a matter of realizing the JAH within, born and raised on the island of Ay-Ay modern St.Croix as a first generation youth who forefathers and foremothers all hail out of St.Lucia.

We just seek to do our part of the works before the time we leave the earth, the gold or the goal is the spreading of Rastafari word Universal Four Corners, the aim is for man to utter enough word sound to keep the vibrations vibrating, to bring awareness to the Black Melchizidek Order in which Haile Selassie is the Emperor Negus Menelik which is the same Negus Emmanuel The 7th, and the Most Honorable Marcus Mossiah Garvey the same EliJAH in these time ya. Blessed love all is for JAH, unto JAH is the praise and the glory, the fame of man cannot leave with we to bring shame to the Most High name.